Interconnector Projects

Electricity interconnectors are power links to our neighbours. Interconnectors enable resources to be shared between electricity systems thereby increasing security of supply, reducing the cost of electricity and enabling greater use of sustainable generation.

  1. Interconnectors help to keep the lights on by providing access to additional sources of flexible generation capacity
  2. They allow power in a lower cost region to be provided to a higher cost region, increasing competition, power market liquidity and stability, and ultimately lowering costs to consumers.
  3. Interconnectors provide System Operators with more options to balance the network enabling greater access to markets for intermittent renewable generation and helping to decarbonise the electricity system.

What we do

Transmission Investment is a strong supporter for the further expansion of Interconnectors between and within the UK and the rest of Europe.

In partnership with the national French Transmission System Operator, RTE, we are developing the France – Alderney – Britain (or FAB) Interconnector. We are also the developer of the LirIC Interconnector between Scotland and Northern Ireland and the lead developer for the LaSGo Link Interconnector between Sweden and Latvia via the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea.

We structure our projects in a way that supports the introduction of external finance. Our dedicated development team is highly experienced and knowledgeable, not only in the development, construction, and operation of electricity interconnectors but also in financial structuring and risk. If you are interested in learning more about the investment opportunities within our interconnectors, please use the Contact Us page to get in touch.

Map of projects

Our Interconnector projects