Connecting CountriesGreat Britain to France
Cross Border Capacity (MW)1250
Expected Capital Cost (€M)TBD
N. of Converter Stations2
Number of HVDC Cables2
Voltage HVDC Cables (kV)320
Length (km)
Grid Connection PointExeter
Grid Connection PointMenuel
Commissioning Year2030/31

In partnership with the French national Transmission System Operator, RTE, we are developing the FAB Interconnector project to build a subsea electricity link between Great Britain and France. This ambitious project will realise a further 1400MW of cross border capacity between the French and British wholesale markets via a 220km HVDC link from Exeter, in Devon, England and the Contentin peninsula in France.

Transmission Investment is the sole British developer of FAB and has successfully secured all GB offshore and onshore permissions, grid connection and property rights the project requires. The project will enter the construction phase once regulatory approvals have been secured.

Primarily the FAB Interconnector project will fulfil two requirements of the electricity network in this region. The project will increase the capacity between the French and British markets ensuring the energy markets of both countries can access the lowest cost available generation. The project will also add large scale controllable flexibility to the networks thereby supporting the integration of intermittent renewable generation and ensuring security of supply.

The FAB Interconnector project is also designed and well positioned to form part of a future offshore meshed grid. The significant expansion of offshore renewable generation in both Great Britain and France will drive the requirement for more efficient and coordinated network connections offshore. The FAB interconnector has been designed to be ‘multi-terminal’ and so is ready to form part of any future offshore meshed grid.

FAB has also been recognised by ENTSO-E’s Ten Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) as providing significant benefit to European and UK socio-economic welfare and to decarbonising the energy market. The project has been listed as project number 153 in TYNDP 2020.

Further information on FAB and the independently identified benefits can be found on the TYNDP project specific report:

If you are interested in hearing more about this project, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via the Contact Us page.