Transmission Capital Partners was declared preferred bidder for the Robin Rigg offshore transmission licence on 5th August 2010 and established TC Robin Rigg OFTO Ltd as a special purpose company to acquire the Robin Rigg offshore transmission assets. TC Robin Rigg OFTO Ltd was awarded a transmission licence and took ownership of the assets on 2nd March 2011. The transfer value of the assets was £65.5m.
The Robin Rigg offshore transmission assets connect the 174MW Robin Rigg offshore windfarm to the 132kV electricity distribution network at Seaton substation in Cumbria. The 132kV export cable route is 13km offshore and 2km onshore.
The Robin Rigg offshore transmission assets were the first offshore transmission assets to be acquired by an offshore transmission licensee and are unusual in that they are the only offshore transmission assets not to include the offshore substations, which were retained by the offshore wind generator.