Transmission Capital Partners was declared preferred bidder for the Lincs offshore transmission licence on 9th May 2012 and established TC Linc OFTO Ltd as a special purpose company to acquire the Lincs offshore transmission assets. TC Lincs OFTO Ltd was awarded a transmission licence and took ownership of assets on 11th November 2014. The transfer value of the assets was £307.7m.

The Lincs offshore transmission assets connect the 270MW Lincs offshore windfarm to the 400kV electricity transmission network at Walpole substation in Norfolk. The 132kV export cable route is 48km offshore and 12km onshore.
The Lincs offshore transmission assets were the first assets to be awarded by Ofgem in the second offshore transmission tender round thereby continuing Transmission Capital Partners’ run of success. The Lincs offshore transmission assets were also the first for Transmission Capital Partners to be connected at a transmission voltage, requiring Transmission Investment to have SAPs authorised at 400kV.